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I will never forget an initial coaching session over the phone with an ethnic pastor. I was born and raised in the US and he was born and raised in a Middle-eastern location where Christians are frequently persecuted. I had known him for about a year and wanted to establish a coaching relationship to help him in his ministry. The purpose of my first coaching call to him was to establish a relationship with him as his coach. I also wanted to explain what our coaching conversations would be all about. After our conversation, it dawned on me that sometimes, coaching ministry leaders will not work, at least initially. My story and commentary may help you understand more about when coaching may not work.
When coaching someone, there is power in using a "what if" question. In this blog, I want to encourage you to use the "what if" question as you coach others and seek to help them assist others to come up with solutions to the problems they might face in life, leadership, and ministry. Read on to discover more about using this helpful "tool."
Most church leaders benefit greatly from coaching. Coaching can be a big help in bringing out the best in you. I can also be a way of helping you seek and find God's will in your thinking, planning, and execution of what the Lord has given you to accomplish, for He has prepared his plan to be worked out in your life as a believer (Eph. 2:10). So, how can you get the best out of coaching? This blog may give you some direction for answering this question.
As a former church planter, coach, and trainer of church planters, and assessment team member in several church planter assessment centers, I highly value the need and importance of a CPAC. Here are 10 reasons why every aspiring church planter needs to go through the experience of a church planter assessment center.
I struggle with preaching. Like any challenge in ministry, some good coaching can help. This coaching can be self-coaching. Better yet, ask someone who knows preachers and preaching to coach you if this is a challenge for you. Since effective coaching involves asking good coaching questions, here are some to ask yourself or someone you are coaching.
Pastors and church planters need good coaching in order to serve the Lord at their best. And, they need a coach who loves them and comes alongside them as a trusted friend and partner in ministry. What does this look like? Keep reading to find out how.
I've spent many years coaching and consulting churches and pastors and have heard many questions. However, there are questions I have seldom if ever heard. Here are some for pastors and leaders that you might consider asking when you have the opportunity.
Coaching ministry teams can be challenging, but your task will be a lot easier if you follow certain rules. Read some suggested rules for coaching or leading a ministry team in your church or organization.
Coaching can be a very helpful and effective tool for leadership development in your church or ministry organization. Here are some helpful coaching questions you can use in your ministry.
The Lead Coach at Coach and Equip Ministries has written an introductory book for learning to coach pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders, Creating Ministry Champions. There are many reasons I recommend this book, but my blog offers 10 of them. Read on to learn more.