New Book




This new resource text written by Charlie Worley is about helping you to help others become champions for

the Lord in life and in ministry. It introduces you to the power of active and attentive listening, asking effective

coaching questions, and helping individuals or ministry teams plan for success and mission accomplishment.

While it emphasizes effective coaching skills, it also encourages you to grow in Christ as a leader and devoted

follower of JesusCreating Ministry Champions is also written to be a resource tool for you to use in helping

both ministry leaders and workers, Christian parents, and any followers of Jesus who want to develop redemptive,

helping relationships with others. You will find it to be a practical and helpful hands-on resource. Order your copy

now and/or purchase one as a special gift for your pastor from the following places:



NextStep Resources:

Connections Christian Store in Lynden, WA: 360-366-8917


Content chapters:


Ch 1 What is Ministry Leadership Coaching?

Ch 2 What Characteristics Do You Need to Coach Ministry Leaders?

Ch 3 How Do You Practice the Art of Listening While Coaching?

Ch 4 How Do You Ask Coaching Questions That Help Create Ministry Champions?

Ch 5 How Do You Use Coaching to Help Develop Ministry Plans?

Ch 6 How Do You Help Your Friend Move Toward Championship Action?

Ch 7 How Do You Develop a Coaching Conversation that Builds Champions?

Ch 8 How Do You Successfully Coach Ministry Teams?



Book reviews are welcome.