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Seldom Asked Questions for Church Leaders

By charlie worley
I've spent many years coaching and consulting churches and pastors and have heard many questions. However, there are questions I have seldom if ever heard. Here are some for pastors and leaders that you might consider asking when you have the opportunity.

I've spent many years coaching and consulting churches and pastors and have heard many questions. However, there are questions I have seldom if ever heard. Here are some for pastors and leaders that you might consider asking when you have the opportunity.

Where is the Holy Spirit in all this?

How old does our church act?

How do we ensure the safety and health of the people who come to our services and meeting?

How can I improve my preaching?

How often should we evaluate and revise our By-laws?

How do we know when we are trying to do too much?

Why aren't more people in their 20's and 30's in church leadership here?

How can we become better at being church rather than just doing church?

What is going on around our church that will influence who we are and what we do in the next 5 – 10 years?

How do we multiply disciples and churches from our church?

Are we more inward-focused than outward-focused and why?

What questions for your church would you add to this list?


[Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash]