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Coaching Questions for Sermon Preparation and Evaluation

By charlie worley
I struggle with preaching. Like any challenge in ministry, some good coaching can help. This coaching can be self-coaching. Better yet, ask someone who knows preachers and preaching to coach you if this is a challenge for you. Since effective coaching involves asking good coaching questions, here are some to ask yourself or someone you are coaching.

I struggle with preaching. Like any challenge in ministry, some good coaching can help. This coaching can be self-coaching. Better yet, ask someone who knows preachers and preaching to coach you if this is a challenge for you. Since effective coaching involves asking good coaching questions, here are some to ask yourself or someone you are coaching.

Preparation Questions

How can I best schedule preparation time for my sermon?

What are the best resources I have available for preparing my message?

What is the genre of the text I will be sharing, and how will that affect my sermon preparation?

Who is my audience, and how will that influence my sermon?

What is the big idea upon which I will build my sermon?

Delivery Questions

How will I know if the people in the audience walk away with the big idea in mind?

What should I have left out of my sermon?

How could the application point(s) of my sermon be communicated more clearly?

How did my printed sermon notes and graphics help the people understand and apply the word of God?

If I preached this same sermon again next Sunday to the same audience, what would I do or say differently?

One more question for you:

What sermon preparation or evaluation questions can you add to the above 10 questions?

[Photo by Ben White on Unsplash]