Self-Assessment for Potential Church Planters



This self-assessment is a very basic tool to use to help you discover if you might have a calling to start a new church. It is preliminary to undergoing a formal church planting assessment process. Please rate yourself using a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 indicating you need lots of improvement and 10 being a definite strength that you possess. Circle your rating. Total your scores and record the number at the end.


CLEAR SENSE OF GOD'S CALL: Both my spouse and I share a clear and compelling sense of God's calling to be a church planter or founding pastor that is supported by a consistent development of the spiritual disciplines in personal life and ministry. My calling to church planting ministry has been affirmed by the church.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                 6                  7                  8                  9                 10


STRONG SPOUSAL SUPPORT: My spouse and I work together as a team with agreed upon roles in life and ministry.  We have a healthy marriage relationship with a well-managed family (1 Tim. 3:4-5). My spouse is excited about church planting.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                 6                  7                  8                  9                 10


GODLY CHARACTER: I demonstrate godliness and integrity in my personal, married and public life.  The qualifications for biblical eldership and servant-leadership are evident in my life and I am growing in Christ-likeness (1 Tim. 3, Titus 1, Acts 6).


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                               A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                 6                  7                  8                  9                 10


VISIONARY LEADERSHIP SKILLS: I have a clear and compelling picture of what the new church will look like in the future and the broad brushstrokes of what it will take to get there.  And I am able to share repeatedly this vision in such a way that others follow my leadership and help make it happen no matter what the cost.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                 9                 10


STARTING-GATHERING SKILLS: I have an entrepreneurial, risk-taking spirit that is supported by a history of starting new ministries, groups, or businesses from scratch using only faith, vision and limited resources.  And, I am able to recruit a diverse group of other people to join with me in accomplishing my vision.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                                  A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                 9                  10


COMMUNICATION SKILLS: I have a proven track record of communicating the Word of God in a relevant and compelling way through preaching, teaching and counseling with the result that spiritual fruit and growth are evident.  I understand my community context and the unchurched in it, and am able to communicate with them in their "language" and culture.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                                  A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10


EVANGELISTIC SKILLS: I relate well to the unchurched and unsaved and regularly do the work of an evangelist. I have a good understanding of the gospel and am able to share it and help others become followers of Jesus Christ.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                                  A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10


DISCIPLE-MAKING SKILLS: I regularly help develop Christian maturity in others and build up the body of Christ in a systematic manner.  Others follow me as I follow Christ and am able to build unity and cohesiveness in groups or among diverse people.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                                  A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                  6                  7                  8                  9                 10


EQUIPPING SKILLS: I demonstrate the ability to help others discover, develop and use their spiritual gifts in suitable ministries. 


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                                  A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                  6                  7                  8                   9                 10


TEAM-BUILDING SKILLS: I am a servant-leader who is able to identify, recruit and build a team of people made up of others who compliment my gift-mix and role preference, and who follow my vision for ministry.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10


MULTIPLYING SKILLS: I have the ability to unite a diverse group of people to harmoniously accomplish a common vision.  I also continually multiply leaders and groups so that more can be accomplished and ministries or groups can be expanded through organic growth.  I have the knowledge, skills, and experience to lead a new church in growth from the beginning through the normal growth barriers.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10


MISSIONAL SKILLS: I act, live and think like a missionary seeking to build bridges of Christ's love to the people who live in their own unique cultural and geographic setting. I recognize that God has called me and my family to live and serve as indigenous members of my community who incarnate the message of Christ. And, I am intentional in contextualizing the Gospel in order to win people to faith in Christ and help transform their worldview into a Christ-centred and biblical one.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10


CHURCH PLANTING KNOWLEDGE: I possess and apply a growing knowledge of church planting, church health and church multiplication.  I also demonstrate an observable and practical commitment to the vision of "Glorifying God by serving in the birth and growth of healthy churches across Canada and around the world."


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10


EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: I am able to easily adjust to the challenging and rapidly changing environment of a growing new church.  I am flexible and adaptable and have demonstrated the ability to persevere and bounce back quickly from even the most difficult circumstances, set-backs or failures while pressing on because of a Spirit-guided inner call or motivation.


Needs Lots of Improvement                                                                                              A Definite Strength

1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                  7                  8                  9                 10



Directions: Total your scores. As a general guideline, consider the following recommendations:

  • 100s or above – Pray about becoming a lead church planter and apply for a formal church planter assessment.
  • 50s-90s – Learn more about becoming a church planter and continue praying for guidance.
  • 50s or less – Seek godly counsel before pursuing a lead church planting position.



My Score ___________