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Are We Facing a Viral Opportunity?

By charlie worley
These are days when we need to discover or rediscover the unique DNA that God has placed in the church for his Kingdom. A new priority on capturing and casting the mission, core values, and unique vision that God has entrusted to the congregation through its leadership needs to be imagined and engineered with the guidance of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. But what does that look like? Read on to discover our viral opportunity.

These are days when we need to discover or rediscover the unique DNA that God has placed in the church for his Kingdom. A new priority on capturing and casting the mission, core values, and unique vision that God has entrusted to the congregation through its leadership needs to be imagined and engineered with the guidance of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. But what does that look like?


Do all in positions of leadership in the church know and buy into the mission of the church? Most churches are going through an unplanned season of transition with the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic. The church as you have known it is changing at its heart and soul. This is an opportunity to review and prayerfully evaluate the current mission statement of the church. Don't let this opportunity go by without asking God to show you and your church leadership his plans and purpose for your church. Just what is God calling your church to be and do in this time and place? Unless you are planting a new church from scratch, this is not a one-person job. You must get the leadership team of the church, both pastors, staff and leaders, involved in this process of seeking God's will, searching for His answers, and redesigning a biblical model of the church that meets the times head on.


The second element of church DNA are the core values that need to guide your church through troubled waters. Like the mission, do all church leaders know what guiding principles and ideas will steer the ship through the stormy surf that exists in the world today? If a thorough review of the church's core values hasn't been done, now is the time. And, like mission evaluation, rewriting and broadcasting the core values is a team ministry with whole team ownership. What 3-7 values will guide the church as it encounters the waves and current of these times?


Third and very important to the building blocks of life and ministry is the clear statement of vision. These trying times offer you an opportunity to prayerfully grab hold of a concrete, God-given picture of a hope and future for your church and ministry. Dream with the Lord of the harvest for what He wants to accomplish in expanding his Kingdom in and through your church. Maybe this future image will look entirely different from what it may have looked like, even a few weeks ago before Covid-19 hit and shook up everything we do.


With a new awareness of a reimaged church, a new strategic plan can be developed and prayer for the future can be mobilized like never before. No virus can stop the expansion of God's Kingdom, and the gates of hell will not overcome what God wants to do in and through His church.


So what will you do with this season of opportunity? Better yet, what do you see God doing and how will you and the leaders of your church partner with Him?