Article Archive

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The church planting proposal is a document that serves as the "business plan" for the new church.  It generally covers the first two years of new church development.  In the proposal, the church planter puts into writing what God is laying on his heart.  It spells out the initial vision or dream, the initial ideas of the culture of the new church, and its launch strategy. Keep reading to find out what content is needed in your proposal.
Candidating for a new ministry as a lead pastor can be exciting and rewarding. But it can also be challenging. If God is leading you to leave your present situation and candidate, you will want to go prepared. One of the ways of doing that is to prepare a list of questions for when you are at the church. They are more for yourself than to be published for the church leadership. Read on for an introduction to some suggested questions. This will be a two-part blog.
During 2020, the use of social media has been the source of way too much division and negativity.  Virtually everyone using Facebook or Twitter has lost friends over differing opinions and viewpoints, especially political ones, or they have chosen to "defriend" people who were on their friends or peeps list. How sad all this is. For my last ministry blog of 2020, let me share with you how we can get back to using social media to build up rather than tear down relationships.
In my opinion, there are a number of things that have gone missing in churches today. In some churches, they have never been present. In others, they once existed but have slowly disappeared over the last number of years. Read on to discover more about what might be missing in your church.
Every ministry in your church probably started with some vision, excitement, and hope for the future. But ministries like churches have a life-cycle and that means ministries have to or need to die at some point. How do you handle the end of a ministry in your church? What do you do?
These are days when we need to discover or rediscover the unique DNA that God has placed in the church for his Kingdom. A new priority on capturing and casting the mission, core values, and unique vision that God has entrusted to the congregation through its leadership needs to be imagined and engineered with the guidance of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. But what does that look like? Read on to discover our viral opportunity.
Does Your Church or Ministry Have a BIG Vision? What the vision of your church or ministry? Do you even have one? It is my observation that not many churches have a vision for what God is calling the church to become. Some do have a mission statement that incorporates the essence of the Great Commission and Great Commandment of the Lord Jesus, but how about also having a vision statement that states where the church or ministry is headed in the future under the guidance of God and with his help? Be encouraged to ask God for his BIG vision. Read more to find out what this means.

What Do You See on the Road Ahead? Every church or ministry needs a compelling vision or picture of God's preferred future. You need a BIG picture including a BOLD vision, an INNOVATIVE vision, and a GOD-CENTERED vision. Read to find out more about the characteristics of a God-given BIG vision.