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I have seen so many churches that have a weakness in communication. This problem is not limited to the size of the church or the number of people who serve as pastors or ministry leaders. Rather than being part of the problem, let me help you be part of the solution with the following ideas or suggestions.
I will never forget an initial coaching session over the phone with an ethnic pastor. I was born and raised in the US and he was born and raised in a Middle-eastern location where Christians are frequently persecuted. I had known him for about a year and wanted to establish a coaching relationship to help him in his ministry. The purpose of my first coaching call to him was to establish a relationship with him as his coach. I also wanted to explain what our coaching conversations would be all about. After our conversation, it dawned on me that sometimes, coaching ministry leaders will not work, at least initially. My story and commentary may help you understand more about when coaching may not work.
Healthy churches do a lot if it. And, they do it well. Communication is a top priority for churches that want to remain healthy and be effective in ministry for the Lord and His Kingdom. I'm sure you want that for your church. This blog focuses on just one area of church life and ministry – your search for and calling of a new pastor. And reflecting on its contents just might help you improve other areas of ministry. Read on to find out more.
One can easily conclude that church and ministry leaders, especially ministry coaches, cannot afford to make big mistakes in their communication. So, what are some of the top non-verbal communication mistakes for pastors, leaders and ministry coaches? This blog suggests 10 big ones.