
What Churches in Transition Between Pastors Can Learn From Church Plants

By charlie worley
Over my ministry career, I have had the opportunity to work with both churches in transition and churches being planted. My next few Coach and Equip Ministries blogs will deal with some of these lessons. In the first blog on this subject, I want to share with you what some of them are. Read on to find out more.

Over my ministry career I have had the opportunity to work with both churches in transition and churches being planted. My next few Coach and Equip Ministries blogs will deal with some of these lessons. In the first blog on this subject, I want to share with you what some of them are.


Both church plants and churches in transition depend on finding pastoral leadership that God has equipped for the task. Therefore it is very important that the right lead pastor is prayed for, searched for, and called to the church.


Churches in transition and church plants need to discover or rediscover the unique DNA that God has placed in the church for his Kingdom. Both kinds of churches need to put a priority on capturing and casting the mission, core values, and unique vision that God has entrusted to the congregation through its leadership.


Both kinds of churches require fervent, intercessory prayer that is based on the Word of God. This means that prayer saturation needs to become a vital part of the church culture, maybe the most vital part. A hallmark for these kinds of churches will be answered prayer.


Church plants and churches in transition require a launch or relaunch as they enter a new season of ministry. That means both need effective strategic, faith-based planning with a focus on the future.


Both kinds of churches must start or restart with church health. Determining and measuring the health metrics for the church are vital in church plants and churches in transitions.


In both kinds of churches, a common need is leadership development. The church will only grow in proportion to the numerical and spiritual growth of the leadership teams, especially the pastoral staff team.


Church plants and churches in transition between pastors need to open their eyes and see the fields of harvest as they enter new ministry. There must be a transition from valuing the church being about us and for us to about reaching the lost people in the neighborhood and beyond. Balance is important but the scales must become tipped toward lost people and making followers of Jesus who multiply disciples.


What would you add to this list?


Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash