
Planning a Healthy Sabbatical for the Pastor (Part 2)

By charlie worley
If you want your pastor, whether serving in a lead role or another pastoral role, to be successful, stay healthy, last longer, and grow in ministry maturity, make sure he takes a sabbatical.  But what does a sabbatical look like for the pastor and the church? Read on to find out more.

   If you want your pastor, whether serving in a lead role or another pastoral role, to be successful, stay healthy, last longer, and grow in ministry maturity, make sure he takes a sabbatical.  But what does a sabbatical look like for the pastor and the church? Read on to find out more.

The Role of the Pastor in His Sabbatical

   It is the pastor's job to plan for his sabbatical well in advance. Sometimes, the pastor may need a sabbatical period of rest or recovery so planning in advance may not be possible.

   As mentioned above, the pastor's job is to do the planning and the work to achieve his sabbatical goals. These goals should include benefits to the pastor and to his church.

   The pastor should include times of prayer, worship, and rest during his sabbatical.

   The pastor needs to make his plans known to the church leadership and to his congregation. Regular updates of blogs, vlogs, or newsletter announcements are recommended.

   The pastor would do well to form a support and accountability team including a couple of trusted pastors to hold him up in prayer and accountability during the time spent in the sabbatical.

   During the sabbatical, the church secretary or designated person should screen all calls, and forward only the most important or emergencies should be referred to the pastor.

   On a similar note, the pastor should program his cell phone and e-mails to indicate he is out of the office while on sabbatical leave and to whom should contacts go for attention.

   When the sabbatical is completed, the pastor needs to give a detailed report of the sabbatical experience to the church leadership.

   And did I mention, include your spouse and family as much as possible in planning for a rich sabbatical experience. They are the pastor's partners in sabbatical and church ministry.

The Role of the Congregation in a Sabbatical

   A successful sabbatical for the pastor involved his congregation. Each church member is a partner with him and his family in a sabbatical ministry.

   The congregation will honor their pastor by willingly and faithfully partnering with him in his sabbatical (see 1 Tim. 5:17).

   Honor your pastor by celebrating and partnering with him in his sabbatical season.

   Love him by sending him away from your church ministry for a short season so he can rest and refresh his life and ministry in the presence of God.

   Instead of having him do ministry for you, do ministry with the knowledge, skills, and gifts that he has equipped in you.

   Pray daily for him and his family as they find rest and refreshment in their sabbatical season away from the normal demands of ministry to the congregation and community.

   While he is away, fill his church mailbox with notes of thanksgiving and appreciation for how he serves you and your church.

   And while he is away, help those filling deacon and elder roles to do their job.

   What additional ways of honoring your pastor while he is away on a sabbatical can you share with others?

[Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash]