
Open Up Your Eyes As You Open Up Your Church

By charlie worley
This Covid crisis has caused churches to close for a while, but many will be going back to services and ministries in the building again soon, Lord willing. As you return to your church building, it will be good to keep your eyes open as your church opens. So open your eyes and let your pastors and church leaders know what you see. Here are some ideas on what you might look for that will be a big help to your church leadership.


This Covid crisis has caused churches to close for a while, but many will be going back to services and ministries in the building again soon, Lord willing. As you return to your church building, it will be good to keep your eyes open as your church opens. So open your eyes and let your pastors and church leaders know what you see. Here are some ideas on what you might look for that will be a big help to your church leadership.


You can help by looking at the positive "points of light" and "God-sightings" you see happening in and through our church. These eye-openers of where God is working and answering prayer. They will be seen as you witness what God is doing among your people even if they are wearing masks. Make a note and e-mail your pastor or church leaders. And be sure to tell the people involved so that they can be encouraged.


Keep your eyes open for what your church can do better. Like the above, contact your pastor or church leaders so that they can improve the ministries of the church.


Watch for how the church folk and staff relate to guests or visitors when they show up. Let your pastor and church leaders know what worked to make them feel welcome and how the church might do a better job. The Covid crisis may bring some new "guests" through the door of your church. Be sure to follow them up and understand that you may have just one week or just a few more to do follow-up ministry with them.


Look for people in your church who are using their gifts and talents for the glory of God and share their names with your pastor and what you saw. Also, I'm sure they would appreciate knowing you used your pair of eyes to see what they did for the Lord. Don't wait to do this.


Observe how you serve the children and youth at your church. What can the church do better? What is missing or what was not done that should have been done?


Examine how the leadership groups at your church work and work together, especially the pastoral staff, the Church Council or elders, and the Deacons. Look for positives and negatives, what's working and what's not. Let them know what you see with suggestions for improvement.


Look at the externals: the signage used on and in the church building and, in the rooms, the parking lot, the gym, the church offices, the restrooms and storage areas, your parking lot, your main meeting and worship room, your foyer, kitchen, and your fellowship hall. What do you see and what can we do better? Again, let your church leadership know what your eyes picked up.


Look also for safety and health measures. Think of hand sanitizer dispensers, clean restroom facilities, and children's toys and rooms that are deep cleaned every week. Are there an AED machine and a first aid kit with accompanying signs in obvious, easily accessible places? An AED machine hidden behind a welcome desk or in a closet is not a good idea. How about fire extinguishers? Are they clearly observable and accessible? Is a church safety and security plan easy to reach and read?


Observe your seniors and elderly folk in and out of the church building. Go visit them and see what they need and appreciate. Let your leadership know what you see and hear. These dear saints have so much to offer your extended church family.


By now, you may be getting the idea of how your eyes can be used of God to make your church facilities and your church family the very best and most caring and loving in your area. Oh yes, keep looking and sharing. God is at work. He wants you and others to see His future for your church and get excited about it.


What else should be in your eyesight? As your church facilities open back up to in-person meetings and services, look around like you are a first-time visitor. Open up your eyes as you open up your church?


Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash