
Are You Working On or Working In Your Ministry?

By charlie worley
It's my observation that most pastors and ministry leaders spend the great majority of their time in their church or organization working in their ministry. For some, this may mean that 100% of their time is devoted to doing necessary and urgent work in order to keep the wheels of ministry going. That's called working in ministry. But, is that a really necessary priority of time spent doing God's work? Read on and answer the question for yourself.

It's my observation that most pastors and ministry leaders spend the great majority of their time in their church or organization working in their ministry. For some, this may mean that 100% of their time is devoted to doing necessary and urgent work in order to keep the wheels of ministry going. That's called working in ministry. But, is that a really necessary priority of time spent doing God's work?


There's also another type of doing God's work that is called working on ministry. The says that working in something means to spend time producing or improving it. When you work in ministry you are attempting to make things happen by doing what is required to put the parts and pieces together so that everything is functioning smoothly and efficiently. The emphasis is on you. Working on ministry is entirely different. When you work on ministry you are praying, leading, delegating encouraging, coaching, training, setting goals, and planning. Doing the work in your ministry means you are spending your time and energy on getting things done correctly and on time. Doing work on your ministry means you are spending your time and energy seeking God's guidance and help and also seeking ways to get others to do the work of God as you lead, encourage, and equip them. The emphasis is on others.


Here's the idea – churches and organizations need both kinds of work going on within a mixture of diverse people serving in different roles. It seems wise that pastors and ministry leaders need to spend more time working on their church, ministry, or organization because working on their ministry means they are pursuing God's will and are able to spend more time equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11-14). Leaders are needed to encourage and equip those serving on the front lines of ministry to work in ministry.


While pastors and leaders should be spending approximately 20% of their work time working on their ministry, workers who serve more with their gifted hands and feet should also do some time working on their ministry by taking some regular, shorter times for seasons of prayer, planning, and dreaming of what God has in store through their ministries.


In order to keep a healthy balance with both working in your ministry and working on your ministry, try putting times for working on your ministry in your calendar. Devote those time to searching the Scriptures and prayer with your own planning system handy. Some find it helpful to schedule half-days, full days, or special planning retreat days or seasons for working on your ministry. And, recruit others to pray for you as you work on your ministry. It will make your work in your church or ministry more fruitful, fund, and fulfilling.


How much time do you devote to working on your ministry?


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash