
What Do You See on the Road Ahead?

By charlie worley
What Do You See on the Road Ahead? Every church or ministry needs a compelling vision or picture of God's preferred future. You need a BIG picture including a BOLD vision, an INNOVATIVE vision, and a GOD-CENTERED vision. Read to find out more about the characteristics of a God-given BIG vision.


It came to my mind again this week that most churches do not have a compelling vision.


I encourage churches and church plants to have a BIG vision from God for the future. Here are the characteristics of a BIG vision.


The church vision needs to be BOLD. By bold I mean not just getting by. A bold church does not just depend on programs and the status quo of ministry to keep moving into the future. It does not shrink back when faced with what seems to be impossible. Like young David when faced with the challenge of Goliath, a church or ministry goes on the offensive and places absolute trust in God with whom all things are possible.


I'll never forget young Tom Nelson who captured a vision from God to plant a church in Kansas City, Missouri in the late 1980's. Tom, who was fresh out of Dallas Theological Seminary, had a dream to start a new church from scratch so he began with the bold vision to launch with what he called "The Fabulous Forty." Through the eyes of a bold faith, he saw 40 adults who would be the launch team who would begin the new church. Today, Christ Community is a thriving multisite, megachurch in the Kansas City metro area with a BIG vision. Check out this BIG vision-oriented church ministry at


The church or ministry vision needs to be INNOVATIVE. Wikipedia defines innovation as "a new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in form or device or method". In order to reach new generations and ethnic or cultural groups, churches today need new ideas about ministry. Church leaders need a divine dose of creative imagination from God for expanding His Kingdom. There's no reason why the church cannot be even better at innovation than Disney, Apple, and Microsoft when it comes to reaching people in need of Christ in the 21st Century.


I think of a former student of mine from a Church Planting Boot Camp in Canada. Youngdo Kahn came with dream to reach the hip hop community in Canada and this dream grew BIG as he began to see how to reach those who are all to often excluded from traditional church ministries but who need Jesus like so many others. After attempting some innovative ministries, City Lights was birthed. The BIG vision of Youngdo Kahn and City Lights ministries is  "to see Canada's hip-hop community being shaped by Jesus Christ (including helping others have a relationship with God too)." To accomplish that vision will take constant innovation led by the Spirit of God and shaped by the needs of Canada's hip hop communities. Check this ministry out at


The church vision needs to be GOD-CENTERED. News flash: the Pastor is not the center of your church. The building, if you have one, is not the center of your church. Even the people who come to your services and meetings are not the center of your church or ministry program or organization. God is! The church or ministry that has a BIG vision will always, and in every way, bring glory to Jesus through the power and work of the Holy Spirit. The question is always: How will God be glorified and be pre-imminent in all that we do including worship, prayer, fellowship, ministries, groups, outreach, leadership, preaching, teaching, stewardship and leadership? When people look into these aspects of ministry as your church or ministry move forward into the future, will they see Jesus first?


How BIG is your God-given church vision?