
Ten Things Churches Should Avoid

By charlie worley
This blog reveals ten things most churches should avoid. Read it to discover what they are.

1.Not doing weekly updating of church social media sites and websites

2.Not doing a weekly thorough cleaning of nursery facilities, furniture, and toys

3.Not offering nametags to all who visit or regularly attend your church

4.Not having directional signs around the building, inside and out

5.Not doing annual background checks on all children's and youth workers

6.Not providing easily accessible and visible automated external defibrillators (AEDs in the church building)

7.Not providing yearly training to greeters, ushers, and parking lot attendants

8.Not providing regular evangelism and disciple-making training and making it available to everyone in the congregation.

9.Not communicating enough to everyone.

10.Not praying enough.

[Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash]