
Some healthy habits for pastors and church leaders

By charlie worley
Thanksgiving week is a good time to remind pastors and leaders about beginning or practicing some healthy habits. Here are some ideas for you.

Thanksgiving week is a good time to remind pastors and leaders about beginning or practicing some healthy habits. Here are some ideas for you. 

Plan on some healthy exercises at least three times a week. These could include walking, bike riding, going for a workout at the gym (many of us will have to wait for Covid restrictions to be lifted for this one), guided home workouts before or after you go to work, or other activities that give your mind and body a good 20-30 minute workout.

Plan on exercising your brain at least three times a week. This may include learning a new language or a musical instrument, playing chess, creating a new hobby, doing mind-stretching puzzles such as crossword puzzles or Soduku, teaching someone a new skill, taking new routes to your regular destinations, reading aloud, and doing expressive writing to name a few.

Listen regularly to classical and relaxing praise and worship music. Try noise-cancelling earbuds or, better yet, earphones. Close your eyes while taking it in.

Try to limit your work or ministry time to a maximum of 50 hours/week if you serve full-time. Anyone in ministry knows there will be times when you will need to put more "overtime" in, but do not make this a habit.

Plan for and honor at least one full day off each week as your personal sabbath. Once you reach 50 years old, you will need more time off each week so ease into a full two days off in a block of time.

Read, read, and read, but include books for pleasure or learning outside of your ministry.

Watch what you eat and drink. Eat healthy with limited amounts. Break the food rules in moderation every so often, but not on a regular basis.

Schedule a habit of daily devotional Bible reading and prayer.

If you are engaged or married, do your best to plan for regular (weekly, not yearly°you get the idea) date times. These could be cheap dates like a walk together. My date times used to be a sample search with grazing at Costco each week, but then my wife went to work as a Costco food demo lady. However, we still do sample searches together, but not near as often.

If you still have small kids at home, spend some quality time after work with your kids. Be creative and have some fun.

Pray for your children and with your children. Each day, take some time to pray for and with your spouse.

Learn to ask open-ended questions and use this skill in ministry and at home. And don't just ask questions, listen attentively to the answers.

Find a few close friends who will partner with you in an accountability relationship. Have them ask you the "hard" questions about life and ministry.

Engage in life-long learning and continuing education. Take classes or participate in guided studies. Many seminaries offer good resources in this area.

Always commit to manage and resolve conflict, if possible, using biblical principles. And, never let the sun go down on your anger.

What are some other healthy habits for pastors and leaders that you can add to this list?

[Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash]