
Praying as if your life depends on it

By charlie worley
I have been doing a series of blogs on what we can learn from church plants. Last week I interrupted that series to talk about Covid-19. This week I will mix the two subjects to talk about prayer. Like church planters, how can we pray as if our life depends on it? This blog might help you with some answers.

I have been doing a series of blogs on what we can learn from church plants. Last week I interrupted that series to talk about Covid-19. This week I will mix the two subjects to talk about prayer. Like church planters, how can we pray as if our life depends on it?


Today is a day designated for prayer because of our nation's need during this pandemic. Church plants also face many needs and sometimes life-threatening crises. And when they pray, when we pray, we see God work. There is a strong relationship. Here are some ways you and your church can pray.


I just participated in a focused video concert of prayer with our denomination, Converge. It is being held online to allow people from around the world to participate. The theme of the CoP was summarized in four key action verbs that catch the message of the Lord's Prayer: Remember, Surrender, Trust, and Follow. Your church or ministry can do the same. You may find a really good participation level for prayer. Give it a try.


Prayerfully consider how you can help mobilize others for prayer using a video connection like Zoom of another of your choice.


Use a select list from your Facebook friends or from your other social networks.


When you are out shopping for those essentials, let those you see behind the counter or in the isles know you are praying for them. If there is a positive response or a thanks, ask how you might pray for them.


Try recruiting for and organizing an online prayer meeting for a few people who will join you on a regular weekly basis for 30 minutes of prayer. Zoom or Skype may be good resources to use.


Set up a Facebook or website for sending in prayer requests. You may want to make some or all of these password protected.


Publish a weekly list of prayer requests for your neighborhood, community, state, or nation. Include front line healthcare workers.


See what other ideas you can come up with and share them with others.


What would you add to this list?


Eph. 6:18a – "(Keep) praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication." 


Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash