
Need some good coaching questions for your ministry to church leaders?

By charlie worley
Coaching can be a very helpful and effective tool for leadership development in your church or ministry organization. Here are some helpful coaching questions you can use in your ministry.


  • What is your personal mission statement or purpose and how has that influenced your personal leadership?
  • What is your church or ministry mission statement or purpose and how has that influenced your personal leadership?
  • If you do not currently have a ministry coach, who can you contact to discuss your need? Give at least three options.
  • What are your personal metrics for evaluating your ministry leadership performance?
  • List areas of your life and ministry that you are dealing with right now where you would benefit most from a coach?
  • What character from the Bible has been your best biblical mentor? What is the best lesson about ministry leadership you have learned from that leader that you have begun to apply in your life and ministry?
  • What is the most important issue you are currently facing in your ministry leadership that could best be addressed with the help of a coach?
  • What would it take for you to increase your effectiveness as a ministry leader by 20%?
  • Who are three ministry leaders with whom you would like to start a coaching relationship so that they can benefit from your coaching?
  • What three things can you do now to challenge and support people in achieving their personal and organizational performance objectives? What has to change in your life for that to happen?

This list of questions is from Chapter 1 in my new book, Creating Ministry Champions: An Introduction to Developing and Coaching Leaders for Churches and Christian Organizations, now available on Amazon (

What are your favorite coaching questions to use with church or ministry leaders?

[Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash]