
Is this a good time to talk?

By charlie worley
Wondering what you can do to increase your ministry effectiveness during the Covid-19 crisis? Try picking up your phone. This blog describes how this season of social isolation might be a good time to talk.

If you are like me, you are more than ready for the church to once again be fully open for business. Even an introvert like me needs face-to-face conversation and  fellowship. Although I am not active as a pastor at the current time, what can I encourage my fellow pastors and ministry leaders to do to connect?


I find myself longing for a phone call every few weeks from my pastors. Zoom isn't required, just an old-fashioned phone call would be welcome.


How about designating a block of time each week for calling your members and attenders just to say hi and encourage them? If you have a larger, multi-staff church, divide the directory up into manageable blocks and make a call to your assigned people. Leaving a voicemail message is better than no contact at all. Improve your call pickups by letting people know with a bulletin or website announcement, or even a text saying you'll be calling.


Try to limit your calls to 10-15 minutes and do most of your time on the phone listening, so have 2 or 3 good open-ended questions prepared. In your call be sure to end with the question, "How can I be in prayer for you?" The pray with them on the phone.


Do your best to connect by phone with your small group and ministry leaders. They may have important information to share with you, and they may need lots of encouragement from you.


In addition to the phone, be creative with texting and also your use of the church website. Make sure the website is kept updated weekly if not more often. After all, if you are the lead or senior pastor, you are the "Chief Church Communicator" (CCC).


Maybe you have some ideas to add to what I just mentioned. Reply to this blog so that you can share your ideas with others. Or, brainstorm some ideas with others over the phone.


Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash