
Important Numbers for the Pastor

By charlie worley
In this blog you will find some important numbers that may improve your ministry as a pastor. Keep reading to find out more.


In this blog you will find some important numbers that may improve your ministry as a pastor. Keep reading to find out more.

3 – Be a member of an accountability group of 3 trusted friends.

60 – If you are working at your desk, get up and stretch, walk around, clean your workspace, etc. for a few minutes after a maximum of 60 minutes.

10 – Stop working on your ministry at 10 o'clock in the evening. It's time to shut off your brain and rest until tomorrow.

24 – Try to return your calls within 24 hours unless you are taking days off or a vacation or doing sermon preparation or taking a season of prayer.

7 – Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night, preferably 8, unless God has given you the ability to need a lot less sleep each night.

9 – End evening meetings no later than 9 0'clock at night. Working past 9 o'clock begins to decrease your and your team's ability to be productive, effective, and efficient.

2 – Limit your screen time on your computer to a maximum of 2 hours before taking a long break or tackling a different project.

1 – Prioritize your  1 top project for the day and tackle that before moving on to others.

5 – Try to meet and talk with 5 new people a week, but focus the conversation on asking them questions and listening intently to their answers.

4 – In person, virtually, or by phone, visit with at least 4 different people from your congregation each week.

What other number and subject can you add this week to this list? What difference would applying this list to your work week make in your ministry?

[Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash]