
Do You Appreciate Your Pastor?

By charlie worley
Your Pastor deserves your appreciation. Here are some ways you can show appreciation to God's servant who is called by the Lord to shepherd you and others 24/7/365. Appreciate your Pastor in a tangible way during this month of October which is Pastor Appreciation Month.


I can tell you first-hand that most Pastors are long on selfless service and short on the receiving end of acknowledgment and thankful recognition. Maybe that's why someone came up with the idea of Pastor Appreciation Month.


In case you haven't heard yet, October is Pastor Appreciation Month, a 31-day opportunity for all of us to show appreciation for our Pastors who are always there for us. Those who are called by God to shepherd God's flock are worthy of our thanksgiving and appreciation. Full-time Pastors serve the church and community 24/7. They are always on call, and the typical Pastor works between 50-60 hours each week.


Yesterday, I witnessed an act of appreciation for my Pastor at a High School girls' soccer game. I was there with my wife because one of our granddaughters was on the team. But, Carissa was there to show support and encouragement for our Pastor who happens to be an assistant coach for the team. Two of her young sons were with her, but she was there for Pastor Phil while she cheered the team on to victory, 2-0. Karissa was there to support Phil's service for the community and in the church. Way to go, Carissa. What an awesome way to show appreciation.


How will you show support for your Pastor(s) this month? Here are some ways I know Pastors appreciate coming from those in their flock who truly appreciate them.


Write a special thank you note and insert a small gift, even if it's only enough for one cup of coffee. If you really appreciate your pastor, do this once a month.


Let your Pastor know you are praying for him. Send him a one-sentence e-mail or text each week in October. If you want to get in the habit, continue with at least one thanks note each month after October.


Take your Pastor and spouse out for lunch or dinner once during October. And, don't even let your Pastor think about paying for the meal or leaving a tip. That's usually on a Pastor's mind.


Find a bargain event or trip on Groupon that your Pastor and spouse might enjoy and give it with a hug.


If you have a Timeshare or own a cabin, offer a get-away experience for your Pastor.


Find ways to make it possible for your Pastor and spouse to have a date night on your dime. Pay for a sitter if small children are involved, or make it a DIY project of love.


Offer to forward possible sermon illustrations to your Pastor. If your Pastor is willing, start in October to send at least one or two each month. If you do, let your Pastor know you are giving full freedom to not use any illustration your send. And if you have kids at home, ask then for good ones. Just remember the freedom part.


I'm sure you can come up with more practical suggestions for yourself or others. As Nike says, "Just do it." After all, October is Pastor Appreciation Month.


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash