
Age Has Its Perks

By charlie worley
Seniors have a lot to offer to God and others in your church fellowship. What are some of these "perks" that can be shared.

I've known for some time now that in God's plan age has its benefits. Throughout history the Lord has chosen to use what we call "seniors" in some wonderful and dramatic ways, and in Genesis 17, this lesson appears in a dramatic way. Imagine God using a 100 year-old man to fulfill the promise of a covenant through a son born to a very senior saint? How about Abraham's wife, Sarai, who was also in her 90s? How about other "senior saints" we read about in the Old and New Testaments? How seniors who call your church home? What do they have to offer and how might God use them in our church?  


Because of age and experience with the Lord, senior saints have been blessed with wisdom. King Solomon, the writer of Proverbs and probably Ecclesiastes, was full of wisdom after many years of trial and error living. Being older and experienced, he knew what younger men and women, youth and children have yet to learn. Senior saints can share that wisdom with younger generations and the church will be blessed.


Senior saints have learned what it takes to follow Jesus through good times and bad. They are in a position of sharing how God brought them through experiences with children who turned prodigal. Seniors can share with church leaders what they have learned about how churches can navigate successfully through the rough seas of conflict or painful "departures" of church family members. Many of them have learned how to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. For most seniors, the Christian life is full of gifts and wisdom to be shared with others.


Senior saints can pray, because they know from experience that fervent prayer moves the heart of God to action resulting in blessing from God and glory for God. A man named Hegesippus, who lived only a few years after the first Apostles, writes in his memoirs the following about James, the Apostle:

"... [James] alone was permitted to enter into the holy place; for he wore not woolen but linen garments. And he was in the habit of entering alone into the temple, and was frequently found upon his knees begging forgiveness for the people, so that his knees became hard like those of a camel, in consequence of his constantly bending them in his worship of God, and asking forgiveness for the people."

Seniors in the church, pray, and teach the rest of us how to pray. Ask your senior saints to pray for you. And ask them to teach you to pray.

When you are in the grandparent stage of life, you can put your focus on leaving behind a godly heritage. I have personally discovered that being a grandparent puts me in a wonderful place of loving mentorship and modeling the Christian life for my grandkids. So, what heritage are you leaving behind? Make it your goal to leave behind in your family and church younger generations who are disciples of Jesus who make and multiply other devoted followers of Jesus.


Seniors can share a sincere hug, albeit virtual, and smile like no one else. Let's face it, most anyone could use a smile and a hug these days and senior saints are naturals. They make the best greeters, especially if they can recruit a young child to assist them in the church. That's with the parent's permission and supervision, of course. The safety of children in your church family comes first.


Older folk can encourage a pastor like no one else. As a pastor I can tell you that seniors can have a great influence on the pastor that builds him up in the Lord and makes him a better servant of God.  


Most seniors who love Jesus have a glint of heaven in their eyes that reveals what awaits believers in heaven. When you live long enough you realize how short life on earth really is and how soon you will meet Jesus face-to-face. As Christians who are true believers, we have hope with full assurance of our permanent home in Glory. And, it is that hope that puts an upward bound look on our faces. Senior saints, look in the mirror and what do you see? Hope is made by God to be shared by others, especially in the church.


Seniors have so much to give to others in your church and community. Are you a few years below senior status? Let our church seniors know how much you appreciate them. Seek them out and let them know how important they are. Are you a senior saint? Why not generously share your senior "perks" with others? They need you.


Age does have its perks. What are some perks you can share with others?


Photo by Joe Hepburn on Unsplash