Article Archive
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What does your church offer for training or equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12 ESV)? Have you ever asked that question as a church leader or pastor? Here are some ideas about who needs regular training and about what.
Local churches rise or fall according to the health and ministry of their elders or spiritual leaders. And healthy, growing churches have healthy, growing, and serving spiritual leaders. These churches also recruit, train, equip, and multiply spiritual leaders. My prayer is that this blog will assist your church in training present and future elders.
Much of my ministry career has been devoted to helping church plants and smaller churches find lead pastors. This used to be a lot easier than it is today and the future presents more challenges. Take a look with me into the next 20 years in North America. Where will the next pastors come from? Read on to find out.
In mentoring, either the mentor or the one being mentored sets the agenda and the mentor provides wisdom, knowledge and skill training for the one being mentored where needed. In coaching, the person being coached sets the agenda, expectations, goals and actions, not the coach. Read on to find out more.