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Two Is Much Better Than One

By charlie worley
When it comes to ministry, two is much better than one. Even the Bible affirms this truth. Read this blog for some ideas on how to find and work with a partner in ministry.

When it comes to ministry, two is much better than one. This is affirmed in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes in Chapter 4, verses 9-12 (ESV):

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

And, even Jesus sent out his disciples two-by-two to minister, according to Luke 10:1.

This truth was affirmed to me again in a challenging book I have been reading. It is written by Tom Bennardo in his work titled, The Honest Guide to Church Planting: What No One Ever Tells You about Planting and Leading a New Church, published by Zondervan. Speaking from experience, Bennardo says the following: "The drain on a leader is so intense, so demanding, that he desperately needs a partner (beyond his spouse) who eats, breathes, and sleeps it to the same degree he does" (p. 170).

He continues by describing his relationship to a partner he had in planting his church:

Dan's partnership made all the difference in the world. I now had someone as deeply committed to our vision as me.  When I staggered, I could draw on his strength as a channel of God's provision. When there were celebrative moments, he could rejoice with me to a level no one else could match. When we faced crossroads and challenges, he talked me off the precipice more than once. I was able to do the same with him. I can honestly say I wouldn't have survived without the camaraderie and support I regularly received by having someone in the foxhole with me (p. 171).

In coaching church planters, I make it a point to emphasize and encourage the following – IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, DO NOT PLANT A CHURCH WITHOUT A PARTNER FROM THE START.

Here's some guidance for you.

Spend much time in prayer for finding and equipping your new partner in planting.

Find a partner who deeply shares the mission, vision, and core values of your new church.

Develop your partnership together before you launch your plant.

Spend significant time together each week in prayer, visioning, team building, bonding, and even more prayer. Communicate, collaborate, celebrate, and speak the truth in love with one another.

Honor and use one another's gifts, personality, leadership style, and ministry passion.

Model teamwork for others in your church.

Take time to have fun with one another and your spouses.

Hold one another accountable for setting and achieving reasonable goals.

Retreat regularly with one another.

Take every opportunity to publicly recognize and affirm one another in front of others and your congregation.

Bottom line - Two is much better than one in ministry leadership.

[Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash]