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Three Kinds of Change

By charlie worley
Change is often difficult no matter who is involved, but that change can be coached and managed if rightly understood and if help is involved. For example, conventional wisdom informs us that there are three kinds of change. All three apply to individuals, groups and organizations such as churches, districts and even denominations.

After serving in various ministry roles from the individual one-on-one, to church, to district and to national, I have become a student of the art and science of change. I have observed that


On the most basic level, we have developmental change. This involves doing something different. This kind of change can either make something better or make it worse. For example, a church can add a pastoral staff member to lead a ministry.


A higher level of change is called transitional change. This usually requires making several developmental changes with a focus in mind. Transitional change moves from doing something different to being someone or something different. It helps you to take a new course of action in a new or renewed direction. For example, a church whose Lead Pastor has just resigned employs an Intentional Interim Pastor to help the church become healthier and find a new Lead Pastor. This interim pastor coaches and equips the church to make developmental changes that work together to help the church become renewed, revitalized and prepared for new pastoral leadership.


The highest level of change is transformational change. In this kind of change, you or your group, church or organization become something different.  A result of intentionally undergoing a transformational change is a new identity. This change involves divine intervention, often after developmental changes and transitional changes are made with the work of the Holy Spirit that prepare the way for God to work in a new way. An example of this can be found in the spiritual work of maturing into the image of God and becoming a growing follower or devoted disciple of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2).


Can you give an example of each kind of change that has occurred in your life? How about in your church?