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Caring for the Quarantined (Continued)

By charlie worley
Those who are confined to care facilities are a hidden mission field for churches and followers of Jesus, especially during the current Covid-19 quarantine. Read to find out some helpful resources to use to minister to those who live and work in nursing homes and care facilities.

Last week I published a list of a few ideas and resources to use in ministering to those who are quarantined in nursing homes and care facilities because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only are they elderly or handicapped and currently unable to connect in person with your church folk, but they represent a hidden mission field in desperate need of experiencing the grace and peace of Jesus. That list of possible ways to minister to them and the staff who care for them continues this week compliments of my friend, Pastor and Chaplain Highland Goodman. His experience in nursing home chaplaincy makes him a great resource guide for this ministry. So, what does he recommend for you and your church? What are some more ways that you and your church can share the love of Jesus to the socially isolated in care facilities? Sonshine Society: Care Center Ministries offers helpful resources and encouragement for ministry to those who live in nursing homes and care facilities. Check out their resource and encouragement lists. The "Life Care Memos" can be a big encouragement. Included on this site is a great resource called, "Adopt-a-Grandparent" ministry. This is the website of Elder Source Senior Ministries. Check out their free Elder Source Mobile App. God Cares Ministry offers practical ministry resources for churches and individuals who want to minister to those in nursing homes and care facilities. Check out their "Virus Response Handouts and Videos." This ministry helps you create a Christian-based outreach ministry to your homebound members.


Let me add one more idea. Why not adopt a nursing home chaplain as one of the missionaries of your church? Their missionary ministry is no less worthy of our prayers and support than someone who is sent into the heart of Africa or Europe or anywhere else in the world to share the love of Jesus and preach the Good News of the Gospel.


(Photo by M.T ElGassier on Unsplash)