Church Health
Since 70% - 80% of all churches in North America are either plateaued or declining, it should be obvious that most churches need help with their organizational health and effectiveness. That's where prayer-surrounded coaching and equipping come in.
One area of church health where help is generally needed is in revitalization. Church revitalization can be defined as helping a church discover or rediscover its God-given mission, vision and core values through a process of planned change. Coach and Equip Ministries can provide practical help in walking church pastors and leaders through this process of discovery. Often, this happens in a retreat setting followed by on-going coaching and equipping.
We can help churches take the next steps toward revitalization and greater health through leading focused retreats and forming church health or transition teams who will be coached and equipped to address weaknesses and strengths in the church. We can also help church leaders walk through a process of using and applying church health resources such as Natural Church Development (NCD).
Churches also need to understand and apply healthy change dynamics. Effective leadership development is also needed for the achievement and maintenance of church health and effectiveness. Training for these things can be provided by Coach and Equip Ministries.
We have also found that improving church health and effectiveness often means the church leadership needs to restructure the church and develop a new or renewed set of governing documents such as the congregation's Constitution and By-laws.
Contact us about how we might be able to help you take your next steps toward church health.