
This week, my wife, Marty, and I had the honor of attending a church planter's retreat sponsored by the Converge Northwest District and held at the beautiful Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center on the rugged Pacific coast in northern Oregon. Read on to discover just a small amount of what was seen and heard at that relaxed gathering. Maybe you and your church can learn from my observations.

A.T. Pierson once said, "There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer." If there's ever a time for prayer in your church, it's during a season of transition between lead pastors. Consider the huge need for change and preparation in your church before a new pastor is called. Consider the following needs:
Candidating for a new ministry as a lead pastor can be exciting and rewarding. But it can also be challenging. If God is leading you to leave your present situation and candidate, you will want to go prepared. One of the ways of doing that is to prepare a list of questions for when you are at the church. They are more for yourself than to be published for the church leadership. Read on for an introduction to some suggested questions. This is Part 2 of a two-part blog.
Candidating for a new ministry as a lead pastor can be exciting and rewarding. But it can also be challenging. If God is leading you to leave your present situation and candidate, you will want to go prepared. One of the ways of doing that is to prepare a list of questions for when you are at the church. They are more for yourself than to be published for the church leadership. Read on for an introduction to some suggested questions. This will be a two-part blog.
Help! We are now in-between lead pastors and are considering using an interim. What are our options? Read on to begin discovering the pastoral needs of your church and the value of calling the right kind of interim to help meet your needs.
In the New Testament, the use of pastor, overseer, and elder are equivalent as the terms are used synonymously. However, the functions of this ministry or office may differ depending on how the individual uses his gifts in ministry. Read this blog to find out more about how the lead pastor works with the other elders in the church.
Your church can benefit from the transitional ministry of an intentional or interventional interim lead pastor when one or more of the following characteristics are present. Read on to discover these transition characteristics.
I like lists so here's another one. This one is for church members who are working on trying to find and call a new pastor in a church that's in-between lead pastors.
When you are in a church facing a transition between lead pastors, the first thing that the church should do is develop and employ a strategy to mobilize the congregation for prayer. In order to do this, it is helpful to know what kinds of prayer are needed. This blog describes five kinds of prayer that are needed to find and keep a new lead pastor.
Much of my ministry career has been devoted to helping church plants and smaller churches find lead pastors. This used to be a lot easier than it is today and the future presents more challenges. Take a look with me into the next 20 years in North America. Where will the next pastors come from? Read on to find out.

One of the most important steps in finding a new Lead Pastor for your church is to prepare first, then find. The steps in this first stage of search for a new pastor are found in Coach and Equip Ministries seven-stage Pastoral Search Process.