
This week, my wife, Marty, and I had the honor of attending a church planter's retreat sponsored by the Converge Northwest District and held at the beautiful Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center on the rugged Pacific coast in northern Oregon. Read on to discover just a small amount of what was seen and heard at that relaxed gathering. Maybe you and your church can learn from my observations.

When talking about who they are, most churches tell lies about themselves. Today's blog reveals what some of the big ones are.
When a pastor leaves a church for any reason, the pastor, his family, and the church will experience grief. Go deeper with me on that topic in this blog.
When you are in a church facing a transition between lead pastors, the first thing that the church should do is develop and employ a strategy to mobilize the congregation for prayer. In order to do this, it is helpful to know what kinds of prayer are needed. This blog describes five kinds of prayer that are needed to find and keep a new lead pastor.
The first year of ministry in a new church is a very important season of shepherding and leading a congregation. This time can enhance or cause major problems in the future. Care should be taken to avoid some popular mistakes pastors make in that first year. Consider them prayerfully and carefully.
These are days when we need to discover or rediscover the unique DNA that God has placed in the church for his Kingdom. A new priority on capturing and casting the mission, core values, and unique vision that God has entrusted to the congregation through its leadership needs to be imagined and engineered with the guidance of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. But what does that look like? Read on to discover our viral opportunity.
A wise District Superintendent once said in a gathering of fellow-workers in denominational leadership something that has stuck with me as prophetic. He said beware of government election years in a church because what is happening in politics spills over into the church. Now he worked with congregational churches but the background cultural dynamics may also apply to other types of church governments. Keep reading to discover what can happen in churches during times like this.
What is it like for a church to go through a transition of one pastor to a new pastor? This blog describes what happens and what to expect when a congregation goes through a process of grieving.
Church leaders should have a working knowledge of certain numbers that are indicators of the health of the congregation. Here are my top 10 church numbers you should know. Read this blog to find out what they are.