
Warning Signs in the Church

Just like in the human body, the body of Christ, the church, can become ill and symptoms or warning signs develop. Read on to see some of the warning signs in the church and how to seek treatment.


I have had back and neck pain issues over the last number of years. These warning signs have resulted in numerous visits to doctors, medical tests, pain medications, physical therapy, and even surgeries. Warning signs or symptoms caused me to seek help, some helpful and some, not so helpful.


What happens when warning signs appear in your church? Do you do anything about them? Do you seek help for diagnosis and treatment? Do you just try to ignore them and hope they go away? Do you even care?


I would highly recommend that you take them seriously and try to identify the source of the problems. After you have a good idea of why they are appearing, prayerfully work at addressing the underlying issues that cause the problems.


Here are a few warning signs that need your attention when they appear.


  • Warning sign: when people begin to leave your church without reason or explanation
  • Warning sign: when your church ignores the changing culture around it and in it
  • Warning sign: when you and the church leadership get in the habit of not listening carefully and prayerfully to members who are not leaders
  • Warning sign: when prayer ceases to be the most important ministry in the church
  • Warning sign: when the same leaders are recycled every year and there is no serious practice of leadership development
  • Warning sign: when there is no systematic plan and practice to welcome and connect with first-time guests to the church
  • Warning sign: when the majority of people who regularly attend your church do not know your church's mission and vision; or worse yet, when you and the church leadership do not
  • Warning sign: when teens, 20-somethings, and 30-somethings are not included in church worship and ministry leadership

This is not an exhaustive list of symptoms, but it should drive you and me to keep our eyes, ears, minds and hearts open to warning signs in our churches and ministries. When you see one or more of these signs, do something about it. Don't hope something will go away on its own. Pray for discernment and wisdom in dealing with what you see. Get outside help in addressing underlying issues. Develop a God-centered and Bible-based plan to resolve the underlying issues. Listen to what the Lord of the church is saying to you in these symptoms and issues. Take action.


What warning signs have you seen recently in your church or ministry?


Photo by Raúl Nájera on Unsplash